Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I was recently employed at the local Journey's at Circle Center Mall. There I do my best to sell shoes. What boggles my mind is all of the different designs and variations of shoes. There are some very simple designs that looks very hip, new, and cool. However, somewhere down the road i think someone went a little overboard with the "hip". However, despite the way some of the shoes look in the store, they still sell like hot cakes. This shows that the designer really knows what kids want these days. Apparently, kids these days want crazy colored shoes. They actually kind of look like clown shoes. They wouldnt personally get my purchase, but its my duty to make sure the customer gets what he or she wants.

1 comment:

  1. Ah-- the world turns and kids these days are scratching their heads about EVEN YOUNGER kids and the crazy styles they like.

    So, the question arises: What exactly is the "life span" of a design generation? How long does a fashionable perception last in various types of products? Do the "basic" design standards in shoe design change more rapidly than T-shirts, than hats? than movie posters --
    Your thoughts?

